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Aug. 1, 2023

Grin to Win

We've all been there - pulling on a happy face even when we're not necessarily feeling it. We laugh at a joke, smile at a cute baby or even give a polite grin when called for. Grinning isn't always effortless, but regardless of the motive behind it, wearing a smile has significant advantages, especially for your health. Fascinatingly, studies show that smiling can positively impact your quality of life, contributing to a more uplifting and fulfilling experience. In this episode, let's delve into the impacts of amplifying your everyday smile performance on improving your well-being. Join us on this revealing journey and discover how displaying your charming smile frequently can lead to a more extended, healthier, and joy-filled life! Let's unravel this captivating theme together with hosts Jeremiah Jacksun and David Lewis III.