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Nov. 15, 2023

Introducing: "Wellness Wednesdays with Know Your Platform: Explore the Musical Chairs of Relationships!"

Welcome back to another episode of the Know Your Platform podcast! We are thrilled to introduce our new segment called Wellness Wednesdays. Every Wednesday, we aim to provide you with a refreshing dose of wellness that will uplift your spirits and assist you in navigating life's challenges. In this episode, our experienced host, Jeremiah Jacksun, will delve deeply into various subjects pertaining to mental health, self-care, mindfulness, and overall well-being. By addressing topics such as stress management, finding balance, and cultivating positive habits, Know Your Platform aims to become your trusted companion on this journey towards holistic well-being.

Today, we focus on the intriguing topic of navigating relationships through a metaphorical game of musical chairs. Join us as we uncover valuable insights that shed light on this dynamic aspect of human connections.

Tune in and enjoy this delightful episode filled with valuable insights!